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Home / Blog / Best Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Containers

Best Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Containers

According to Harvard Medical School, the average adult is supposed to eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day. But between chores, responsibilities, work, family life, lack of space, and everything else in between, we know that sometimes healthy living doesn’t come naturally.

At Harvi, we’re all about making delicious and nutritious produce accessible right from your home. We want you to get back in touch with where your food comes from. And we want to empower our gardeners to fall in love with the earth and the gifts it gives us, even if you’ve never buried your hands in soil before. Everyone has a green thumb in them, and we hope that by starting with small container gardening, you’ll be inspired by the big changes you see in your life.

Container gardens are typically smaller and easier to manage, making them great for beginners, people who are short on time, and those of us who are short on space, but not all plants do well in containers. To help you get started, below is a list of fruits and vegetables that do grow well in containers.

  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are one of the easiest and most popular vegetables to grow in containers. They are prolific producers and can be harvested over and over again over the course of a season. Tomatoes can also be added to so many different meals, from morning omelets to lunch-time salads to pasta dishes at dinner.
  • Peppers: Peppers are another easy vegetable to grow in containers, and they come in a variety of shapes, colors, and flavors. Perfect for any crudité platter or roasted to perfection, peppers are an easy way to incorporate more color onto your plate.
  • Strawberries: Strawberries are a juicy and delicious fruit that can be effortlessly grown in Harvi garden beds, making this sweet treat the perfect container plant. They are easy to grow, require minimal maintenance, and can be used in cocktails, salads, desserts, or simply enjoyed as is.
  • Blueberries: Full of antioxidants and Vitamin C, blueberries are a great way to bring a splash of color to your plate. A popular fruit that can be grown in containers with acidic soil, they require some extra care and attention, but if you’re tight on space and willing to put in a bit of extra work, they are a great addition to your container garden and your diet.
  • Salad Greens: Salad greens, such as lettuce and spinach, are a must-have in your vegetable container gardening rotation. They’re easy to grow, and you can harvest them multiple times throughout the growing season. These greens come in handy for any salad, garnish, or side, filling you with fiber and nutrients.
  • Radishes: Radishes are a fast-growing vegetable that can be grown in small containers. They are easy to grow, can be harvested in as little as three weeks, and can add a bit of crunch to your salad mix.
  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers are a great vegetable for growing in containers, and hanging baskets. If you have limited space in your garden, make sure to plant a Harvi garden with cucumber seedlings for a cool and refreshing snack later on in the season.
  • Beans: Bush bean seedlings thrive in small containers, so don’t forget to add these to your vegetable container garden. Pole beans need a little bit more support, so providing a trellis for them to climb on will help them grow tall and strong. If you need help putting together a trellis take a look at our previous blog post that teaches you how to build your own DIY trellis.
  • Herbs: Herbs, such as basil, mint, and parsley, are easy to grow in small containers and are great for adding flavor to your Many herb varieties also grow quickly and are incredibly hardy. If you’re a newbie, herbs are a great place to start.

These plants are a great way to started and with Harvi’s garden beds, container gardening has never been so simple or rewarding. In no time, you’ll be growing your own delicious produce.